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VM ware open view client issue


I have the VM ware view client installed on my machine -


and there seem to be a ton of issues with the display protocols being used by VMware.


The client launches but I am see the following error


Jun 27 10:20:32.585: vmware-view| Starting child: vmware-remotemks-container 'pcoip_client' 'mksvchanclient' '[omitted]' '800x480' '41944296'
Jun 27 10:20:32.587: vmware-view| vmware-view-usb(2867): vmware-view-usb[2867]: Jun 27 10:20:32.230: vmware-view-usb| Starting...
Jun 27 10:20:32.645: vmware-view| vmware-remotemks-container(2868): NOT_REACHED /build/mts/release/bora-234939/bora/mks/remote/mksRemoteMain.c:427
Jun 27 10:20:33.647: vmware-view| vmware-remotemks-container(2868): vmdbPipe_Streams: Couldn't read
Jun 27 10:20:33.648: vmware-view| vmware-remotemks-container(2868): Vmdb_AddConnection2Ex: failed, code -32
Jun 27 10:20:33.648: vmware-view| vmware-remotemks-container(2868): Unable to create remote MKS interface.
Jun 27 10:20:33.650: vmware-view| vmware-remotemks-container(2868) died.
Jun 27 10:20:33.650: vmware-view| vmware-remotemks-container(2868) exited with status: 1

Following which I see a blank screen for the desktop. I did add the libraries to enable PCOIP. From what I understand this is the protocol used by the VMware client.

Re: Doubts regarding some interview questions


This looks more like a certification (VCP) test to me. To prepare for this type of scenario your should check out the VMware Certification resources. On the VCP-DV page you find an Exam Blueprint and a practice exam at the bottom right. That should give you more hands-on experience with questions like these. You also might want to check out the VCP Forum.


A side note (truly my 2c only): I find these questions tricky for an interview. When I joined VMware over 7 years ago I did have gaps in my detailed technical knowledge of some areas. But I had a very strong industry background, consulting references, and I knew a lot about applications, databases, and other topics. And now I get on very well here, because over the years I learned all I was missing.

Re: Decimal round of size

Re: Partition drives or indiviual drive when running virtual servers?


I'd say that the differences are barely noticeable in every day life. You might get a little more speed (more spindles) and less impact if a drive fails with your first option (4 drives - 2 partitions), but you get more flexibility for placing larger VMs and less management overhead with the second option (2 drives - one partition). I'd probably pick the second option. But in the end it also depends on your overall architecture and SLAs you need to fulfill.

Re: Decimal round of size


Casting to an [int] doesn't do rounding afaik

Re: extremely high cpu ready ms


It's very bad, but do you have enough CPU resources on your host.

Also check the VM share value.

Re: Decimal round of size


Sure it does:


PS C:\Users\chris> $test = 34.457454758739874837483

PS C:\Users\chris> [int]$test


PS C:\Users\chris>


Re: Failure to import CSV with ConvertFrom-Csv


at first we should handle the error "op_addition"

op_addition is a method used by array vars.


you declare

$data = 0


and after you did


So Powershell, return an error! He only does what you ask him to do


SO the import-csv problem, working with a csv file should be done always by import-csv, convertfrom-csv is to use a variable array as a csv. like a http get or so..


i correct your script in this way.

$csvreport = @()











# Check for file / Read old file if exists

if (Test-Path $ofile){

    $csvreport = Import-Csv $ofile -UseCulture






foreach($VM in $VMs) {

    #Get-Vm | Foreach-object {

    $entity = $VM




    #Progress Bar

    $Activity="Collecting Stats for VM"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Collecting stats for VM $($entity.Name)"  -Status "VM $VMNum of $VMCount" -PercentComplete (($i/$VMCount)*100)

    $data = $data + $VM.UsedSpaceGB







# Creates List of Custer Details

$clusterdetails = "" |select-object Collection_Date,Total_Size,VM_Count


$clusterdetails.Collection_Date=Get-Date -format d

$clusterdetails.Total_Size=[math]::round(($data), 5)




$csvreport += $clusterdetails







$csvreport | export-csv -NoTypeinformation $ofile -UseCulture

Remove-Variable $csvreport

Re: How to prevent SQL transaction full

Re: Decimal round of size


To an [int] yes, but not to a decimal, that's why you use [math]::round

Re: Server 2012 R2

Re: Recover thick vmdks from raw VMFS


Hi friend,

What is the procedure?

Billing Policy Clarification Needed




I am trying to understand the difference between billing based on CPU usage vs vCPU count.  On the Base Rates tab of a Cost Model, you can see CPU with a metric of GHz and vCPU with a metric of Count.  Can anyone explain how these differ from a billing perspective.  My understanding is that CPU (GHz) and vCPU (Count) are both based on usage (is that even correct?!?!).




Re: Reporting resource usage per VMfolder


Where are you stuck?


To get your report you could: Get-VM -Location FolderName | FT Name, *CPU*, MemoryGB, *space*

Snapshot RDMs


Am I right in thinking that when you snapshot a VM with a mixture of VMDKs but also has RDMs attached to it that everything including the RDMs is snapped and all delta changes are logged for all the disks and that the only negative or not typical thing is that you cannot snap the memory if your VM has RDMs attached?


Is this all correct?

Re: get count of desktops from a pool


Maybe this will kick start you off


(Get-ResourcePool -Name "Name.Of.Pool" | Get-VM).count

Re: ThinApp that calls a dll with global hooks

Re: #25drive_c#25


You don't have to. "%" and "#25" are equal.

maintenance mode > reboot > network nolonger works.


I have been using ESXi 5.1.0 (Build 799733) on a Home Desktop/Server for six months now, and I have upped and down the system many times.  Recently I was going to have a planned outage and decided to place the system in “maintenance mode” (done vie the vSphere client) now when I turn the system back on it is unable to access the network no matter what I seem to do. I can ping myself just fine. The system see that there is a network because I can see the network connection vmnic0 status connected. I am thinking that setting the system into maintenance mode and then turning off the power did something funky with the network settings. I have look at the following KB articles but it did work. Any other ides?


I am tempted to reset the system configuration but I hesitant because I don’t know what it might do.

acronis image




I have acronis image and (server 2008 r2 image ) i want to install it on esxi 5 . how to make it ?  thanks

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